The information here should be more than enough reason to refuse to assist the police in any way. It is certainly reasonable to demand an expectation of honesty from police officers, and with the attitude of the PSD towards dishonesty, this expectation is currently impossible. And since the PSD will allow them to break the law and still back up their use of police powers, you can't even assume that anyone is acting as a police officer at any given point. There is no way for any police officer to expect you to assume they are acting within the law in such a police force.
However, we do not know how much this can be relied upon. Imagine if someone employed as a police officer in one of these counties was arresting someone for a sensible reason, and they fought against it. When charged with resisting arrest, they claimed that due to the information on this website, they had to assume the police officer would be breaking a law in some way, so there was no mens rea to resist arrest. This would obviously not work. Even though the right solution to such problems is for the police to obey the law reliably, no judge or magistrate would want to create a precedent like that.
Everyone who runs the criminal justice system has a strong incentive for it to keep functioning normally, they do not want to be the one to create huge problems for their peers and associates. This means they will find it easy to understand reasons for things to remain the same, and difficult if not impossible to understand why everything needs to be a lot harder.
So I would suggest taking from this, firstly that the police of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire deserve no assistance whatsoever, and secondly, if you can't easily just tell them to go away, their willingness to engage in lying and lawbreaking may be useful for taking the moral high ground, and if used as a justification or part justification for telling them to go away anyway, increases your chances of success. But remember that its usefulness will be limited in practice.
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